Wedding Feast

Wedding Feast
Be Among the Chosen

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Abba Father,
   You are Great.  You are Majestic.  You are Beautiful and Merciful.  I am in
awe at the Glory of Your works displayed in the heavenlies and on earth.  Our
Creator, You have made all things good and Your righteousness shines in them.  I
am humbled that You, my God, would notice this servant and choose me to partake
in Your Kingdom.  How I long for the Day when Your people will worship as one in
   This world, saved and lost, needs Your help.  We are working so hard to
change, transform, and make Your creations better when, in fact, You are the
Author of that glorious transformation and without You change is impossible.  We
are demanding, forcing, and crying out for peace in a chaotic world that will
never find peace except through You.  We surround ourselves with people,
pleasures, and activities to find happiness when all the joy in the world comes
only from knowing You, my LORD.  Instead of reading Your Word for peace, wisdom,
and Truth with the Holy Spirit's leading, we seek programs, studies, and man's
theology for guidance unknowingly opening up our souls to error and deception. 
Your people have failed to live up to Your prayer for unity and stand divided
more than ever and it shows.  The lost cannot see You for our stubborn and
double-minded hearts.  How can this world see Your Son through us if we fail to
show and speak of our faith in Your Goodness, the One True God.  If the
Baptists, Catholics, Pentecostals, and other religions cannot agree on Your Word
of Truth through brotherly love, how will the world ever follow You. We have
secluded ourselves behind our church doors not reaching the world.  We equip
Your people without ever finishing the task by sending them out to shine Your
Glory to the world with the Good News.  We need workers in the field loving the
sinner knowing that there is one thing that separates us from them, Your
Redeeming Power.  We need workers in the field loving all the peoples for we all
are created in Your image and should serve those in need for it is in loving and
servitude that You are found.  Dear God, we need You now!  Hear me and help us.
   Forgive me, Lord.  I believe You for the big things but struggle to have
faith in the little things.  Why is it so easy to believe You can save my soul
but not meet my needs.  Oh, if only I'd always remember how much You have been
there for me and my family.  You have delivered us from so much and seen us
through so many hard times.  I know that You are all-powerful, all-knowing and
there is nothing too small or too big that You can't do.  Help me overcome my
lack of trust in the path You have set me on.  Forgive me for doubting that
there is a greater purpose I can't see and Your Plan doesn't need my approval. 
Forgive me, O God, for not falling on my knees before You every day crying out
with praise and thankfulness for You are most worthy.  Forgive this world,
   Heal them, Jehovah Rapha.  You created a world that provided all we need to
be healthy.  To sustain us.  To heal us.  But we have abused and perverted Your
creations.  We have altered the goodness of what You made making it unsafe for
us now.  Heal Your creations.  Work through Your people that have been gifted by
the Spirit  to bring comfort, relief, and hope and healing to the mind, body,
and soul.  May we always remember that You know best and that Christ first
suffered so that we could have hope so help us to rejoice in our sufferings. 
Heal me, Lord.
   Thank you, Lord.  You have set me upright on my feet.  I have a wonderful
earthly family that brings me love and happiness each day.  My family and
friends that make this journey bearable when the day is too hard.  Each day is a
blessing to behold Your Majesty.  My salvation, being in Your Kingdom, is more
than enough for me.  These earthly possessions are nothing compared to knowing
You.  Thank you for Your Presence in my life.  For Your Spirit flowing in me,
encouraging me, guiding me, and filling my soul with love.  Thank you for
creating me at such a time as this.  For giving me purpose in such a time as
this.  For being one of the chosen to witness the Glorious Second Coming.  What
a joy and blessing to be called to speak the Good News in the last days.
   Please do not separate Your people from Your Presence.  Please do not hide
Your Word from our spiritual eyes.  Please answer my prayer to save those who
read this prayer and save their entire family not letting the Sword separate
these families.  I pray for peace in Israel.  Let the world remember that Your
Word says that peace in Israel means peace for the world.  I pray for Your
angels to surround Your people with protection from that which seeks to devour
us.  Keep us and teach us to endure until the Day.  What You have called and
ordained may it never be undone.  Let the power of Your Word go forth in this
time to the ends of the earth reviving, restoring, and energizing Your people to
press on, filled with joy, and praising Your name until the whole world hears us
as one in You.

In the Name of Jesus I pray. Amen.

24/7 GETV Stream

24/7 GETV Stream

Sunday, November 2, 2014

II Chronicles 7:12-16; Then one night the LORD appeared to Solomon and said, "I have heard your prayers and have chosen this Temple as the place for making sacrifices. At times I might shut up the heavens so that no rain falls, or command grasshoppers to devour your crops, or send plagues among you. Then if My people who are called by My Name will humble themselves and pray and seek My face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. My eyes will be open and My ears attentive to every prayer made in this place. For I have chosen this Temple and set it apart to be holy--a place where My name will be honored forever, I will always watch over it, for it is dear to My heart."
  • These are some of my favorite verses in the Bible. They are promises from God. Promises to His people. Promises for His blessing upon the land. The Bible is full of God's promises and He is faithful and true. I find it odd that God's people want to so quickly dismiss the Old Testament. Frequently heard excuses, "It only applies to Israel." "We're under the new covenant."  Both statements are not incorrect.  However, we can learn a lot from the Old Testament and although the U.S. wasn't divinely created by God, we are intricately linked to Israel. We are, or maybe were, "One Nation under God." This nation was founded on God and His Word whether its citizens want to accept it or not.  Christ came to fulfill the Old Testament. God didn't change between the Old and New Testament. He's the same yesterday, today, and forever.
  • In the verses above, God was telling Solomon that He was listening to the prayers but that He would either judge or bless a nation and it was dependent upon who they worshipped. New Testament implications: we are now His TEMPLE. We are SET APART. We have been CALLED and CHOSEN by God and are dear to His heart.
II Chronicles 19-22; "But if you or your descendants abandon Me and disobey the decrees and commands I have given you, and if you serve and worship other gods, then I will uproot the people from this land that I have given them. I will reject this Temple that I have made holy to honor My Name. I will make it an object of mockery and ridicule among the nations. And though this Temple is impressive now, all who pass by will be appalled. They will ask, "Why did the LORD do such terrible things to this land and to this Temple".

  • In these verses, God was very clear that nations that worshipped other gods and abandoned His laws would be mocked, uprooted, and ravaged by disasters (or judgments from God).
    • Nations are judged by God throughout the course of history. Any nation that has gone against Israel throughout history has either been destroyed or rendered insignificant in economics and power. Judgment of each person is reserved for Judgment Day. God has been, is and will be judging nations.
    • The U.S. is currently a country being mocked by many other nations.  We're losing our positions as #1 in the economy and in power. We have been judged by God many times over (read The Harbinger and The Mystery of Shemittah if you don't see God's judgment against the U.S.). Our land is experiencing droughts, storms are all "Super" storms, pestilences are ravaging and once-gone viruses are now making a comeback.
How does this once great country get back on track, get back to being the nation it was victorious in war, economically thriving? We need to turn back to God. Our leaders need to turn back to God.  Our laws need to align with God's laws. Then God will once again place His protection around our borders. He will remove the famines, pestilences, and plagues. He will bless this country and restore the land and the people.  Get out and vote! Vote for the person who exalts God and humbles him or herself. Vote for the one whose life is built on God and His Word. Vote for the one that isn't afraid to stand alone on issues that he or she knows honors God.  This may be hard to do...I have yet to see anyone who actually does any of these things. But try and research each candidate to find the godly candidate.

Saturday, November 1, 2014

I love when God displays His Glory! Praise the Name of Jesus!
jesus in smoke
Huffington Post online article...captured by woman videotaping fire in Fresno
My God in Heaven,
   How beautiful and glorious You are, my LORD!  I see Your creations, I wonder
in awe at Your heavenly displays, and I am humbled at your Majestic Glory and
Power.  What marvelous works You do in this universe.  To think of You speaking
planets, animals, and Your plan into existence stuns me.  How mankind can deny
You is incomprehensible!  How Great is Your faithfulness.  You are who You say
You are, You do what Your Word says You will do, Your Word is Truth and Power. 
You alone are worthy of all praise.  You alone deserve our reverent worship.  My
God, You are full of kindness and Your abundant love showers Your people.
   Oh, how we need You now.  This planet cries out to be redeemed from the
curse.  It groans for the beauty You intended for it to be.  We cry out to be
with Our Creator.  Dear Lord, come for Your faithful and pour out Your judgment
so that this world knows the Truth of You.  You are Just and Fair and Merciful
to those who worship and obey You.  Your mighty wings protect us from the enemy. 
We shall not fear this world for You are with us, Lord of Heaven's Armies! 
Please help those who are persecuted around the world for loving You.  Help the
oppressed in this dark world who suffer unspeakable acts.  Intervene as only You
can do in Your mighty power to save the lost, feed the hungry, and help the
poor.  Infuse Your love to Your people flaming the passion and fire for all of
us to go into this world being Your hands and feet.  Remind us that You've shown
us mercy so we must show mercy to others.  That You've blessed us in many ways
so we must bless others in many ways.  That You've sent witnesses to us so that
we would be led to Your saving grace so that we must witness to others so that
through Your saving grace others will be saved from destruction.  On our own,
without Your guidance, unless leaders turn to You, this world will inevitably
continue on its course downward.  Oh, how egotistical to think that any human
can solve the chaos we see unfolding on this planet.  Those who believe in human
plans do not know You.  Those who esteem their leaders and their plans above
Your Will are not on Your path and deceived.
   Forgive me, Lord.  I still want to be in control even though I'm really never
in control.  I want what I want even though everything belongs to You.  Forgive
me for my selfishness.  If not for You, I'd have nothing.  Forgive me for
questioning Your plans.  Forgive me for closing my eyes to Your plans just
because the people You point me to are not who I had in mind and Your place for
me in this world isn't where I want to be.  As if being given breath each day
isn't glorious and Your love for me isn't sufficient to serve You on the
streets, in the dumps, or wherever You call me.  Forgive this world for never
looking at the downtrodden and the weak.  Forgive us for complaining about our
troubles but refusing to lay them at Your feet.
   Heal them. There is no sense in who gets sick and who is healthy.  It's so
hard to let go of loved ones.  The pain of seeing minds break and people give up
is agonizing.  Cover us with the blood of Jesus and comfort us with
all-consuming peace when we are afflicted or see the afflicted knowing that You
are still in the healing business, You are mighty to heal, You will heal whether
in this life or in heaven and help us to always remember that a fallen, cursed
world and body is only temporary until You redeem and restore those who call you
Lord.  You will never let us go and are with us every step of the way.
   Thank you, LORD of LORDs. For that cute little hamster that bit my finger
last night, for the sighs and precious noises when children sleep, and the sound
of laughter.  Thank you for having a good sense of humor.  I don't really get
Your sense of humor but I never fail to be amazed at how You move in my life. 
Thank you for letting me get mad at You when I disagree with Your decision or am
hurt.  Thank you for the beautiful music You created that lifts me up and gets
me through the day.  Probably shouldn't have created a button to allow us to
blast our ears but free will exists in everything.  Thank You for the
opportunity to see with my eyes and listen with my ears.  Thank You for
opportunities and challenges that make me even more thankful for what You've
done.  Thank You for all the people reading this prayer.  You inspire me,
motivate me, and never leave me alone when I want to do things my way.  How come
You can nag us but women get a bad rap for being nags.  Truly, thank You for
putting up with me again today as I've been really tired this week and little on
the grumpy side today.
   Hear this prayer, God, and awaken our souls.  Your Word is breath to this
life.  Only You can satisfy our thirst.  Reveal Yourself to each of us in Your
own unique way that calls to us.  Remind us of Your Glory and promises.  You
have overcome the world so as overcomers in You teach and strengthen us to press
on towards the end of the race so that many can be saved on the Day.  Praise
Your Name, for we shall look upon Your face in all of its Glory when we are
transformed in the twinkling of an eye and we see You.  Our hearts cry out to
You.  This world makes me weary but I trust You to go before me casting out the
darkness.  I praise the Name of my Most Holy God! All glory and power to You,
forever and ever!

In the Name of Jesus I pray. Amen.